Best Deals on Yankee Candles

My Yankee Candle Haul from December 2015

My heavily discounted Yankee Candle haul from Dec 2015

Burning wax is just one of my passions.  Another fanaticism I’ve developed over the years is finding ways to save money.  It’s become a bit of a game for me to see how far I can get a buck to stretch.  For example our family has ditched cable and opted for Netflix allow us to save ~$90 dollars per month!  Another example is switching both of our phone plans to the no-contract Republic Wireless plans which allows us to save ~105 dollars per month!  I’m on their $10 plan which is unlimited text and talk while my wife is on their extravagant $25 plan which gives her unlimited talk, text, AND DATA!  Just by implementing only those two examples allows our family to save an extra $2,340 per year!  We use some of these new found funds to allow us to indulge a bit more in our passions.  For me that means I can buy more candles!

When it’s time for me to stock up candles with this additional generated discretionary savings I like to stretch that buck yet again, combining my passion for frugality with my passion for candles!  One of my favorite brands, like many of you candle aficionados, is Yankee Candle.  They are considered by many in the candle community as the cream of the crop when it comes to scented candles, but the regular prices for Yankee Candles are a bit exorbitant for my cheap behind!  A regularly priced single large jar Yankee Candle will typically put a $28 dollar dent in your pocket.  For me that’s no bueno!

Instead I prefer getting my large jar Yankee candles for $11 bucks a pop!  In what Yankee Candle dubs their “semi-annual sales” they make available a variety of candle types and scents at the lowest prices offered than at any other times of the year.  These semi-annual sales typically occur sometime in June and another in December.  During these times of year is when you will be able to find their absolute best prices (up to 75%) on a lot of their inventory.  Keep in mind that not ALL of their inventory will be discounted, however from my experience there is always enough variety of scents and candle types offered in these sales to keep my head spinning and forcing me to make tough decisions on which scents to cut from my wish list so that I don’t have more candles than what I can reasonably store in our little home.  Here are the scents of the large jar candles I picked up in the December 2015 sale paying only $11 for each (Disclaimer: I’ve linked these to candles being sold on Amazon since this blog is an Amazon affiliate AND because the Amazon pages typically have good information and reviews on their products which may be of interest to you, but if saving money is your game then do try to pick up these guys at a better price through the Yankee Candle sales!):

  • Winter Woods
  • November Rain
  • Meadow Mist
  • Crisp Morning Air
  • Frosted Sea Glass
  • Under The Palms
  • Mountain Lake
  • Lake Sunset
  • Evening Air
  • Autumn Woods

I bought ten large jar Yankee candles @ $11 each plus tax comes out to only $117.40!  Now if I purchased these candles at regular price I would have needed to pay $300!  Getting a bunch of new Yankee Candles and paying less than 40% of the sales price is a thing of beauty in my eyes.  Hopefully you can see that it pays to plan ahead and try to time your Yankee Candle hauls with these semi-annual sales.  The best way to find out when these sales start is to head over to the Yankee Candle website and sign up to their email list.  Beware that once you sign up you will get two or three emails a week from them, usually with other “not-as-good” sales that are going on at that time, but remember the best deals to be had are during those two semi-annual sales.  We’ll also do our best to announce on the blog when these sales are happening in the future right here at The Candle Review.  If you’re absolutely jones’ing to get your hands on some Yankee Candles ASAP and just can’t wait until the next semi-annual sale please be sure to try to take advantage of those other “not-as-good” sales as they do run new deals rather frequently throughout the rest of the year.

I have plans to put together some reviews of some of the candles I picked up in this most recent Yankee Candle haul so be sure to check back or subscribe to The Candle Review’s email list.  I promise not to spam you and in fact I’ve yet to send a single email.  The plan is to reserve sending out emails to my subscribers only when I publish a new post.  If you’ve got any questions about anything feel free to post a comment and I’ll do my best to answer them.  I hope this post will be helpful to you and I’ll do my best to highlight to my readership when these amazing Yankee Candle sales are going off!  Until next time, I wish you happy and relaxing candle burning!


  1. Pingback: WHY YANKEE CANDLES SUCK! – candela

  2. Vittorio

    Hi Charlie, since I’m planning to come to the US in December to buy tons of jars (he he he), could you please tell me when exactly the Yankee sale occurs? First part of December or right after Xmas? Thanks a lot and many compliments for your blog!
    A great ciao from Vittorio (Italy)

  3. Sara

    B&BW SAS starts this coming Monday! 75% candles I’ve heard aren’t as frequent as they used to be, but you may still luck out!

  4. Sara

    I’d never pay full price either even though Yankee Candle is my most favorite! I only buy them when there is a coupon (B1G1), at the SAS, sometimes I’ll find a great clearance sale at Bed, Bath, & Beyond on the seasonal candles (plus you can use your BB&B coupon too!), or at the YC outlets which are really the best deal. Have you ever been to one of their outlets? Great prices and sales and so many scents I’ve never even heard of-it’s heaven! I’m enjoying your blog!

    1. charlie (Post author)

      Hi Sara 🙂 I’ve not been to one of their outlets. If I remember correctly I looked up where the nearest one to my house was and it was like 50 miles away. So sad. You are right though about finding good deals outside of the Yankee Candle stores and website.. I’ve seen great deals on them at TJ Maxx outlets as well. Thanks for stopping by!

    2. FloridaGurl

      The BEST deals are via the semi-annual sales online! The Outlet store prices do not even compare with the prices during this wonderful twice a year sale! It is ONLY during these 2 events will I purchase thru Yankee Candle as I refuse to pay any other prices for what I feel are overpriced items!

      And I do the same with Bath and Body Works – FYI – their semi annual sales are generally at the same time as Yankee Candles and many great deals to get there as well. I generally spend a good $100 plus at each site but well worth it and many are gifts to use throughout the half year until the next semi-annual sale comes up LOL!

      1. charlie (Post author)

        Thanks for the tip on bath & body works semi annual sales! I’ll have to look into that.

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