Look out! There’s hard hitting and relentless candle journalism coming at ya! In all seriousness though, I unfortunately have to take this particular scented Yankee Candle to task. I had high hopes for this particular candle when I first saw it was available in the last Yankee Candle semi-annual blowout sale. Unfortunately the scent throw of this candle is literally about 12 inches from the flame.
I’ve burned this candle on several occasions already (as you can likely tell from the picture) for 7 to 9 hours at a time and the scent in the room is non-existent. I even tried moving it from our living room area to our smaller bedroom area, but no matter what the darn thing just refuses to give me that wintery woodsy smell that was promised unless I’ve got my yearning nose inches above the jar container opening. Sorry but I can’t enjoy a candle having to stand over it and worry about having my nose hairs singed off!
Apparently I’m not the only person to think this candle brings the weak sauce when it comes to scent throw. I found another review of this same scented candle a year and a half ago and they had basically the exact same thing to say:
The disappointing thing about the candle though was the that scent was really, really weak.
If you happened to have had a different experience with this candle though I’d love to hear more about it in the comments section. I’m guessing it’s basically a defect with this “scent” though due to other folks complaining about it more than a year ago.
I guess I should have done a little more research before adding this one into my virtual shopping cart at the Yankee Candle online store. I won’t complain too much since I ended up only paying $11 bucks for the thing, although to put things into perspective I really could have gotten two large jar candles at the Walmart down the street that would have blown this puny candle away for the same eleven dollars. Just let that sink in for a second. Don’t get me wrong I’m a big fan of Yankee Candle but they really need to get it together and not peddle a product that is essentially useless as far as scented candles go. But hey, at least it gives off good light!
I’m now in the process of just burning through this thing as quickly as possible so I can get around to some of the other new candles I got this past December. I’ve burned a few of the other Yankee Candle scents and they were better as far as scent throws go so hopefully I’ll get those reviews up soon, however if I run into another dud scent like Winter Woods I’ll be certain to let you guys and gals know about it!
So in summary do NOT purchase this Winter Woods scent. It sucks! That’s about the nicest way I can put it. If you enjoyed this review make sure to subscribe to our mailing list to get future reviews delivered right to your inbox.
Yankee Candle Winter Woods Large Jar
I’m giving this a 3 for the scent somewhat arbitrarily because you can’t even smell this candle when it’s burning unless your nose is in the jar! I’m giving the burn quality a 7 due to the fact that it doesn’t make a complete wax pool leaving residual wax left on the sides of the container after each burn. Overall I will NEVER purchase this one again.
Feel free to leave your own review of this candle below.
I have tried Winter Wood candles from a company called Colonial Candles. I would say they were better than anything I have tried before. According to their website, they are a 100 year old company based out of North Carolina and they make all their candles in house. They have a huge collection and you can <a href="https://colonialcandle.com/"buy candles online from their website.
I have tried Winter Wood candles from a company called Colonial Candles. I would say they were better than anything I have tried before. According to their website, they are a 100 year old company based out of North Carolina and they make all their candles in house. They have a huge collection and you can <a href="https://colonialcandle.com/"buy candles online website.
There are several “mom & pop” candle makers that make a wonderful Winter Woods candle if it is, in fact, the fragrance you’re after